Friday, September 18, 2009

Jazz hands!

...I'm officially done with my auditions! 3 rounds of 'em too.

For the first round I had planned to read a poem in two different ways, but ended up improvising nearly everything, doing a tiny bit of Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet and just talking.

In the second round I faced nearly all my demons at once by singing "Dreaming" from The Little Mermaid TV-show in front of a huge amount of people. Thank God for spotlights, I didn't see a thing! I was really nervous and felt stiff as a log when I stood onstage and I didn't manage to hold all the higher notes because I was so nervous. Still, it was quite fun! I got a really nice comment too, which made me very happy. (o^^o)

The third round was held yesterday. I teamed up with Andrea, a very talented and fun girl, and we did a modern dramatization of the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood. It was really fun to do it onstage! I feel much more relaxed once I have someone alongside me, and we made the audience laugh, so it was all good.


Now I will focus on my upcoming history test (today) and then go home and do NOTHING. Except maybe draw and be with my family. Being 19 and all.

I'm already looking forward to it, this week's been rather stressful. No more auditions. THANK HEAVENS! Now all that's left to do is sit around and wait for the results. Wish me luck!

Location: School
Mood: Relieved and tired
Listening to: my Norwegian teacher talking
Eating: forbidden :C


Tonje said...

My BIG little sis!!!

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday
dear Knerten....
Happy Birthday to youuuuuu!

(served with warm chocolate cake, berries and mug of tea. In the bed, of course)

My phone is boycotting me, so the singing in your imagination have to do...

(haha, look at this one: rarolep)

Maren said...

Woah! Lykke til lykke til lykke til!!
Elvebakkenrevyen er yndlingsrevyen min (men ikke si til noen at jeg har sagt det, for jeg er jo revysjef på rud..!)

Jeg kommer og ser den uansett (sikkert flere ganger, tradisjonen tro), og da er det jo ekstra gøy om jeg kan si at jeg faktisk kjenner ("kjenner") noen av de som står på scenen, så kanskje jeg føler meg hakket mindre stalkerish!

search my blog...