Saturday, June 27, 2009


Gyakuten kenji - Turnabout Prosecutor (or "Perfect Prosecutor" as I believe it will be called in America?) - is released here! And I'm playing it!

Eirik: me>you Muahaha!

I can't read all the kanjis, but so far I'm doing well enough to understand what's going on and I'm getting by. I'm even managing the "logic system". (=^∇^=)V Whee〜

I can feel my cool points gathering up.


Tonje said...

Is the cute guy still dead?
Or the retired one still retired??

But cool points? hm...

Helene said...

The cute guy? I think you mean Edgeworth, in which case, no, he's not dead. He was just being a dramaqueen.

The retired one's still retired and I'm still very frustrated that he is. :P (Imponert og meget blek over at du husker så mye! :D <3 As expected of the world's coolest big sis!) :*

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I want this! I'm thinking of buying a DSi... I decided not to when the KH game was released, because It was expensive, and just for a single game, it seemed kind of a waste... (I didn't know of a new lawyer game :o Is this like.. apollo justice or phoenix wright? Or something new?)

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