We're on our way to a farm in Kirishima. (My goal is to cuddle cows! And I'm dressed accordingly. Haha!) We stopped at a store called LAWSON (oh, the irony of names! Lol) and I grabbed a free magazine because it had Evangelion's Ayanami Rei on the cover... and I found this commercial inside! 逆転検事! Gyakuten kenji - Turnabout Prosecutor! Edgey-pooh!<3 XD It's being released this month! AAAAAH! ...I went completely fangirl and squealed with joy when I found this. I think I surprised my host dad. Haha! Sorry, can't help it. Gyakuten Saiban is one of my greatest weaknesses...
And a Kingdom Hearts game is coming out for the DS! I wuv my DS!

1 comment:
Åh..! Da er det kanskje ikke lenge før det er nye, tunge kasser på vei mot Oslo? Du får vise måtehold og sjelsstyrke, Kompis!
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