I went with my family to partake in the hanami - flower wieving. We haven't done the whole thing with a picnic basket yet, but I think we will now during the spring holidays. Still, no food meant no ditracting me from all the beauty surrunding me. (Haha, I sound like such a glutton!) I'm not complaining - I needed all my senses to take in as much as possible. :)
The cherry blossom is Japan's national flower, and I must say I don't think they could have made a better choice! And with all the sakura trees here blossoming in perfect unison now, it looked like a veil of pink blossom clouds. It was really warm and sunny that day too, so it was a perfect day for a hanami.
I love flowers and trees, so a blooming tree is perfect! It was beautiful.
Without further ado, I bring thee: pictures! (click for larger)

Also, there's news on the bukatsu (clubs) part of things. I've decided to quit kyudo, as we hardly ever trained, and so I found little reason to stay. However, I had a good time when we did train, and I'm very grateful to both my wonderful sensei and my bukatsu friends. :)
Still, my goals in joining a club were to try something new, to have fun, make new friends and train so that I could get as good as I could withing a year. This cannot be achieved without training.
So! I've talked to my councelor in Ijuin Rotary club (for the first time, go me!) and asked him if he could pwetty pwease do a bit of snooping around to see if there's any kendo clubs close to where I live that would allow a cute little foreign girl to wave a bamboo stick around. (Since my school's kendo club will be history as of the new term.)
There's a junior high kendo coach that's said he's willing to teach me, though, so at least I know of one. Fingers crossed!
Location: Japan
Mood: um... hungry?
Listening to: Scarborough Fair
Eating: no
Drinking: cocoa!
I don't think the country you're in is too bad either. The flowers are SO beautiful!!
Can you PLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS send the 2nd one to me, I would like to print it out and put it on my wall somewhere...
Luuuves ju
Fantastiske bilder, Helene! :) Vil gjerne se mer Japansk natur. Hvordan går det med deg? Jeg tenker på deg...
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