So today I went with my host mom to see the graduation ceremony for the elementary school kids. Which was the most enjoyable one to watch by far. (I've seen the one at Josei and my host sister Sayaka's at university). They all stood up and recited a kind of speech in unison, split up so that some parts we're said by groups and some by all of them. The 5th year students (Japanese elementary school lasts 6 years), who were there as spectators, also stood up and did the same thing, wishing the graduates luck and thanking them for these five years together. It was kind of nostalgic and reminded me of my last day as a elementary school student - not that I can remember any special ceremony being held that day. I almost wish we'd had one. Graduation from high school will probably not have a ceremony like that either. I'm at home again, watching parts of King Arthur on YouTube and looking at pictures.
There are some quotes from a part of this movie that's stuck with me since I first saw it. Maybe especially after I knew I was coming here. They're said by Guinevere as she's speaking to Arthur while they're traveling. And I've come to realize they may be more true than I had imagined.
"I belong to this land. ...Where do you belong?"

"It is a beautiful country, is it not? (...)This is heaven for me."
Location: Japan
Mood: Nostalgic, "nature...horses...nature..." (YouTube fault I say...)
Listening to: Hold the Ice - King Arthur OST
Eating: Sakuramochi inside a sweet roll :P
Aww... Sounds like so awesome! I'll probably be studying there sometimes soon, but it won't be before two and a half years... D: How long were you staying again? 8D
I'm crying a bit now...
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