I didn't manage to find any H!P CD's, but I found half a ton of singles for 105 yen, equaling about 8 NOK! Two of them limited editions: Morning Musume's "Ai Araba It's All Right!", that came with a mini photobook pamphlet. The other was "Joshi Kashimashi Monogatari", complete with a set of photocards! :D Happy! I brought a total of 12 CD's (singles, mostly) to the counter. The lady behind it smiled politely and said "please wait a minute..." while she started beeping in CD after CD of H!P... Haha! XP

The other singles I found included "Suki Sugite Baka Mitai" by H!P's DEF. DIVA, "Sakura Mankai", one of my all-time H!P favourite singles by Morning Musume Sakuragumi, "Lucky Cha Cha Cha!" by Mini Moni and a heap of older Morning Musume singles.
...and I bought Gackt's CD "Moon" and Otsuka Ai's newest release "Love Letter". And the other day I bought two CD's: "7.5 Fuyu Fuyu Morning Musume Mini!" and High King's "C/C Cinderella Complex". (It's really too bad this group will only be releasing one single. I like their sound.) My H!P collection is growing, and I'm terribly pleased. Especially since I'm such a good girl and even bought it at reduced prices. Mom, pet my head! ^^
...Being in Japan is great. XD
Location: Japan!
Mood: content~ (I had dinner, haha!)
Listening to: Morning Musume - various singles... :P
Pat, pat. Good that you saved money on the singles, but what about the cost of expanding our house when you get back with all this stuff...?
Fikk ny melding fra Luftforsvaret. De har fått kalde føtter, og trur ikke det holder med bare én Herculesmaskin til hjemturen din... :/
hei, takk for kort! ser ut som du har det kjempefint. og det er jo bra, men det mangler liksom noen i 3sfa. hehe. kos deg resten av månedene, så ses vi sikkert en gang når du kommer hjem :-)
Oh! Okay..I don't do this often (comment on people's blog that I've never met before...okay, well I just don't usually talk to people that I don't know on the internet altogether (much)) but I'm feeling spontaneous and talkative O.O! lol
Oh also I was kind of sad that I didn't comment on "Beijing Baby"'s blog until she wrote her last post about discontinuing it x]
So first thing's first, O-M-G, YOU'RE IN JAPAN! x]
sorry I had to get that out, I just read all your August posts and I lol'd : )
Second thing (probably would have been more important but meh) I apologize for my "stalker-ish-ness" if I appear to be one, I assure you I'm not haha! : )
Actually, I'm going to Japan on an exchange too~~ : ) How long are you staying~??...hmmm...actually I'll comment again when I read your whole blog so I don't have to ask unnecessary questions. ><
Gah!Sorry about rambling...this is as short as I can go O.O! (...hmm...actually this is considerably short for my standards x]..but compared to everyone else's...o.o! so sorry x])
Hey, <3! (Any name I can use? Nickname or something? :P) I really appreciate your comment, thank you! I'm happy you felt talkative. ^^
I'll be staying in Japan for about 10 months. (A bit more.)So far I'm having a great time - there's things that nag me and things I don't like... and plenty of things I love and am really happpy to have discovered. People I'm really thankful that I've met. In short - all those things I came to Japan for! =) I'm sure you'll have a great exchange to Japan! ;3
Oh! And don't worry about long ramblings... as you've probably seen from this blog, I'm not known to keep it short myself. Heh! ;)
Oh! You're on! What time do you sleep? O.O it's like..1.20! x]...i keep track of Japan time lol...well it's not too hard because they're only a few hours apart xp
Oh yes! How V.rude of me! x] (Oh! I just realised that I didn't mention my name...at all!)
I'm Mandy : ) haha! In Japan I'll be "Mandi" baha! x] But the they pronounce it kind of weirdly (in my opinion x]) and I find it hard to say my name in "that" way x] So I want a "Jap" nickname xp lol
oh I usually sign off on the net as z-man. (I'm not crazy, there is a story behind that lol) or mandee (which is not really different to my actual name..and on the contrary is longer (by a grand total of one letter. how epic. lol..so I'm not sure if it can be really considered a nickname))
Oh!!Samee~ : ) But it will only be for 10 months because the company doesn't allow for extensions..;_; oh well x]
Haha! I loveee reading long posts though (as long as they can keep my interest, obviously) because I feel..somewhat empty after reading an epically short post lol, like I need to read more, which then I go on my hunt to find another interesting blog which usually ends unsuccessfully..;_;
Also because I get through it too quickly so I'm like..O.O! When they have nothing left..lol x]
ps. whoops I nearly forgot again, sorry, I hope you don't mind, but I stole you're little..uh...I don't know what to call it..but status (?) thing that the end of each post because I was like..O.O! How uberly brilliant! x] lol
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