My 110th post, yay~!
Kagoshima Josei Kokou, my high school, came second in the all Japan school competitions! now there's crying and despair all over the place.
What's with people? Yeah, they lost, but... they're second in the whole country, for crying out loud! The changing room was filled with boys in blue uniforms sobbing. Ookaay...? I understand that they're probably disappointed that they didn't win when they'd worked so hard to get to the finals... but it still kind of baffles me. They say they're happy they got this far, learned so much and had fun, but they say it with a choked voice while stearing with tear-filled eyes into the camera. When these sport clubs do something, they go all the way.
...Still, you don't see a lot of people winning silver medals in the olympics crumbling into a sobbing pile at the finish line. "Those who get in second didn't win a silver medal - they lost a gold". The person who said this can never have won a silver medal.
People - be happy! This was friggin' well done if I may say so myself. Now let me see some smiles.
Location: Japan! In front of the TV...
Mood: O__o ?
Watching: soccer on TV
hey~! : )
woah!! Congrats for school's achievement! that's really good!
oh yeh, hope you don't mind..again x]
but i put a link to your page on my blog, if you would like it to be removed please contact me and I will remove it as soon as possible. : )
And that really was well done for your school! Oh! and I also replied to the other post (in case you didn't see x])
I say we Asians are some odd creatures!
...also for being able not to cry over those pathetic schoolmates of yours...
I'm proud of you all! Getting second, my my. Imagine how the number 3 school feels now.. (or the jumbo mumbo one)
miss you a lot, little Knert
Mandee: No, I don't mind at all! :)I'm happy you find my ramblings interesting enough to link me. ;3 And I saw your other comments. Thank you! =)
Kiyu: Well, sometimes yes, (Norwegians are too, no? Haha! XD) but I must say I can't imagine you crying your eyes out over a second place either, even though you're an Asian. ;P (Of course, it depends a lot on personality and mood, but...)
Nuff: Actually, my school gets more publicity than the ones that won! Haha! So they're all happy now, and the school's reputation got a lift. You can notice it a bit around school too. Quote Dazey: "People seem to be getting some energy becasue of it."
I'm so happy you care to comment! I feel loved~ <3 :D (But yes, mom, I know I am. ;* )
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