Friday, December 12, 2008


The place where we bow before every training. I'm not sure what it all is, but it looks nice. :P

These things have fallen victims to my featherless arrows.

Where the cool guys fire theirs. (With feathers!)

This is the dojo where we train, or at least parts of it. (^ε^) I love this place! It's just beside a temple, and it's all in traditional Japanese style.☆ Wood! I think it's beautiful.


Anonymous said...

Wow, your dojo looks great! I love that traditional Japanese style. And all that wood ... *want* XD
It sure looks pretty different from were you train at school.

Good luck with the kyudo! Sound like your doing great!

Maiken said...

ååhhh! søte søte deg.
vi skal hukes, for sure! <3

hvordan går det med deg?

Anonymous said...

That IS cool! Er det halmmatter jeg ser?

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