Friday, December 12, 2008

You've been WHERE?!

Madoka and I just went to by some bread for tomorrow. I had fun trying to read all the French and Japanese labels. The lady behind the counter was impressed that I could speak Japanese and asked where I was from. "Norway." "Really? I've been to Norway!" "You have?!" "Yes, to Oslo." "I live in Oslo!!" "I have a friend in Norway, you see." ...WOW! I'm totally flabbergasted everytime I meet someone who's been to Norway or knows something about my country.↑ We're not exactly well-known around here. (^∇^) The most common question I get is if we speak English (understandable)and when I tell them no, we speak Norwegian, their reply is often something like "oh, is there a language like that!". Yeah.(^ε^)

So this was really cool!☆

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, artig det de sa om norsk! Og at de spør om vi i norge snakker engelsk? Gøy XD

Forresten, dreiv å kikka litt rundt på nrk og så på 'bokbrogrammet' fra 2007 eller noe .. Er det du som dukker opp her: ?? XD

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