There are things that are annoying me right now, but I won't dwell on that. (Well, there have been small things all along. I've experienced both good and bad things here in Japan up until now - as I came to do, being on an exchange.) It's not all a dance on roses. It's just that I choose to write about all the positive things instead - they outnumber the bad by far, after all. It's more fun to read about, and more fun to think of too. A win - win situation. :)
Today was kyudo training again, and I practiced with my awesome bow of win! Last time I had a tendency to lean my body the same way as I pulled my string, because it's heavy and hard to draw. But today I didn't! The hand holding the bow still won't straighten out as it's supposed to, because the bow is still quite heavy to draw for me, but it's fun and I like the challenges! So I'll keep on doing it until I get it right! And then one day I'll shoot using cute, red arrows! Yay! XD
The guys in my kyudo club are great too. The freshman we teased the first time, Kuramura (who's name I now remember!) is really nice and funny. We practice together out in the cold every day after school, since he lives in the dorm and doesn't have much else to do anyway. And because we want to train (and I'm obsessed about those arrows, haha!).
Also, the singing teacher has arranged for us to meet every thursday during lunch so that she can give me singing lessons since my HR teacher won't help me change my schedule so I can go sing. The singing teacher is great, I love her! She plays the piano and I sing "Tonight" from "West Side Story" with her guiding me. I've told her I love singing and used to do it since I was a little kid. She listened to me sing for a while, and then commented "you always sang in a low voice, didn't you?". Well, yes...
I used to sit in the back of the car singing to myself the songs I wanted to hear (before I had an mp3-player, you know) and hear the music inside my head. Still, I'd stop if mom turned her head to hear. Yeah, I was shy. So I loved it if the radio was on and someone was talking, because then I could sing without being heard by anyone but myself. Still, I'd get really annoyed if there was music on, because then the melody would get mixed up with mine and I couldn't sing. XD
It's gotten better, but I'm still a bit shy singing in front of people. So I was taken aback when my teacher suggested singing a Norwegian song in front of everyone (meaning the school) on some occasion. "If you have a voice like that, I think you can do it." I'm very happy to hear that, but I kind of want to do this just for fun while I'm here. I won't say it for certain - heck, maybe I'll end up doing it, you never know - but I know I'd be so nervous that I'd be in pain for weeks. Haha! :P I think it'd be better if I could sing with someone. ("Oh, Shu~n!" XD) Anyway - I love singing, and it's great that I'll be able to get some lessons, just like I've always wanted. (Yes, really. I just never had time! 24 hours and 7 days is not enough.) So to my wonderful singing teacher: Thank you!
...and now I'll go to bed! :)
Location: Japan, baby!
Mood: Tired, slightly annoyed (but a bit too tired now to be really angry.)
Listening to: I noen timer - Odd Børretzen
Eating: Ochazuke (rice with green tea poured over it. Yum!)
Drinking: Green tea. Shiawase da na~
"Den Fyrste Song" PLEASE please please!!!
I've always loved singing too, not becauseI'm particularly good at it, but because I think it's fun. Plus it runs in my asian blood (you should know by now how crazy Asians are about karaoke). Please have someone record it if you should decide to sing in front of your school!
I wish I could pratice archery with you. How much fun wouldn't that be?
Du - som har hatt kveding med Unni - klart du tør stille opp og synge. Nydelig stemme har du også. Jeg foreslår Hastverksbrudlaup, -sann, -sann! Med fullt trøkk, Kompis! Skulle ønske jeg kunne vært der og hørt deg.
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