Next we all gathered in my room, turned off the light and sat waiting with big plastic bags, and okaasan came in the room with a heap of candy that she threw into the room one handful at a time. Mayhem and joy ensued: "Itte! Itte!" ("Ouch! Ouch!") "Gaaaaaah!" "Iyaaaaah!"
...and then we ate some roasted beans. (Delicious, I might add!) We ate one bean for each year of our lives, and then one for good luck. So I got to eat 19 beans! ^^ Yum, yum!

A very flattering picture of self with an oni bag of beans.
(Which explaines my highly fearful expression of dramaticness.)
Location: Japan~
Mood: "soon swimming! Yay!"
Watching: a Doraemon movie!
Eating: mame!
Drinking: C.C. Lemon
Godt jeg ikke var der. En bønne for hvert år blir 56 bønner på meg. Og " beans, beans, magical fruit..." - det kunne blitt skummelt! :o)
Hahaha! Tenker på bestemor, jeg. Nærmere 90 bønner!
She'd feel really REALLY great afterwords....
Utrolig morsomt å finne en "norsk" blogg VIA en kinesisk en.
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