Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas (in Norway, anyway...) :P

I was supposed to post this the 24th, but as you all know blogger decided to hate me that particular day. So here it is, posted from my computer instead:

Merry Christmas!

God jul!

I'm santa!☆(≧▽≦)ゞ

Today is the 24th, meaning they're celebrating Christmas back home in Norway. Here in Japan they celebrate on the 25th, so today was my last day of school.

We're having an early Christmas celebration at the grandparent's house tonight. Eating onigiri, chicken and pizza by the looks of it. (・ω・)/

Tomorrow 冬休み, the winter holidays, start. I'm free for two weeks! Minus homework...guh. I think I'll shop for some more clothes, having heard that February is the coldest month in Kagoshima. My god, I'll freeze to death practicing kyudo outdoors... (→o←)

Anyway - to all my family and friends (since any cards you'll get are bound to be late, ahem...): Merry Christmas! ☆ And a happy new year!

1 comment:

Tonje said...

HEY, you!!
Utro med annen nisselue??

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