Sunday, November 30, 2008


As you might have noticed, the blog's not being updated as frequently now. This is because:

a) I've been quite busy lately with school, kyudo and Rotary
b) My main priority is to spend time with my host family and friends here, and not my computer. :P
c) To be honest, there's not much new going on at the moment.

Still, it's not like I won't keep blogging - don't worry! I think I might have figured out a way to blog from my cellphone too, so I might give that a try one of these days. Shorter posts, but...

I've decided not to take the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) here after all. Francesco and I had originally signed up to take the level 2 test (expecting to fail but wanting to see how much we could do), but because of some misunderstandings and a culture crash that caused a lot of stir, I thought it'd be best to take it once back in Norway instead. "And that's all I have to say about that."

My swimming lessons will be starting this December, which I'm really looking forward to! I'll be swimming again! Yayay~! That'll be the first time in... 3 years, maybe? I've missed swimming.
...but in Norway I just don't have time. So I traveled across the globe instead! :P

Also, I'm making a scrap book in which I paste random stuff that reminds me of my time here. ^^

And to all my family and friends: The reason you haven't recieved any postcards yet is because I've had a hard time finding them. Some of you have got letters - others I'm currently writing. Please be patient! It'll take time. ;) In the mean time, I'm sending you all lots of love! <3>
Dolphin Port at night <3
Location: Japan
Mood: hungry?
Listening to: Fate/Stay Night OST (got to rewatch it someday...)
Eating: not yet *rumble*
Drinking: Fanta Grape(!)


Anonymous said...

You're starting swimming in SEPTEMBER!?! You had better be home by then...

Helene said...

Ooops! Fixed. :P

Anonymous said...

Så bra at du retta opp den. Jeg fikk nesten hjertestans, jeg! Om du vil se pappa'n din i live når du kommer hjem, så bør du ikke gjøre mange slike feil framover. Puh...!

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