Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Long time no update...

The reason is quite simple: Ryotaro is sick, he's sleeping in the room where there's internet access, and I don't really want to disturb him too much. He needs his rest, and I take quite a while to write blog entries. (There's a lot to write now, too. Rotary orientation meeting and the Morning Musume concert! (which was really fun!)) So I'll save it for when I'm back home.

Until then - please bear with me! Gomen! m(_ _)m

Location: Japan <3
Mood: Happy
Watching: "The mask of Zorro" with Japanese subtitles together with Ryotaro

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Det er bra du tar hensyn, Kompis, så får heller vi andre smøre oss med tålmodighet så lenge. Vi venter i spenning på neste update!
Pappa'n din - på vegne av svært mange!

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